Jess+Eric: married!

I was incredibly flattered and immediately nervous as soon as Eric and Jess asked me to document their wedding this past November.  You see, the ultimate compliment for a wedding photojournalist is to have a fellow photographer ask you to tell the story of their big day. In this particular case, not only is Eric a photographer I look up to and a fellow Syracuse alumnus, but many of his guests were other photographer friends and mentors I love, I have grown with and who have supported me and taught me how to do what I do today. I enjoyed every second of this day and being able to see all of my people was a beautiful gift. In the years since graduating, I have moved away from many of these friends and I’ve missed out on the day-to-day of their lives as well as on big, defining life steps. However, as it is with good and patient friends, being with them on this special occasion felt like no time had passed and like it was only yesterday that I was renting that third bedroom in Eric’s north Jersey apartment while I took my first big newspaper internship. As a friend, I am thrilled for Eric that he met someone as wonderful as Jess. She is gorgeous on the outside, but she is even more impressive when you spend time in her presence. Not only does she take the cake for most zen bride ever (she also wore the highest heels I have seen a mama-to-be who is six months pregnant wear, ever. She is officially my hero.), but she exudes passion and love, two things I hope fill the lives of my friends. Eric and Jess celebrated their wedding at Stone House at Stirling Ridge in Warren, New Jersey. The autumn light was spectacular and both of them radiated with their love for each other and for the people surrounding them. This was also my first Jewish wedding and I loved everything, from the Ketubah signing, the ceremony rich with meaningful traditions and, of course, the hora. My wishes for a long and thoroughly happy life together go out to Jess and Eric and congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!

7 thoughts on “Jess+Eric: married!

  1. Congratulations once again, I love the pictures! You guys muat be very very happy, especially now that you have a beautiful baby girl. Love Eva

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